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Just know you have impacted my life so much.  Thank you for listening to me and talking to my Mom over the phone.  You make me focus on school and showed me that giving up isn’t an option.  I want to let you know that I stopped ditching school and smoking weed since we last had that talk.  I’m trying to get that trust back with my Mom and it’s getting better little by little.  Thank you for all the advice and helping me out with certain things.  I know I didn’t really like opening up to you, but you showed me that showing how to do so can really help me out.  I appreciate everything you do and I’m bringing up my grades.  I got my phone back because my Mom and I had a good talk.  Thank you for checking up on me everyday.

JC (14 years old) - Student of "Your Story Matters"

My name is Lefarus knows am an artist from far away promise land Ethiopia. Yolanda and Healing Hearts helps me all in my life to be strong to never lose hope to give to be a good man in life.  In Africa its so hard, things will never b the same so in that struggle i met Yolanda; founder of Healing Hearts organization.  She has helped me a lot through her support for my school and my music.  She helps promote my music and to me she is Wonder Woman.  She is an angel that never stops giving.  She’s helped me heal my heart and in return I’ve written great poetry about my Angel, Yolanda.  She has a great heart and she is my life saver.

Lefarus - Healing Hearts

Ever since Yolanda and Healing Hearts came into my life I’ve learned how to be more happy.  I used to be in a horrible state.  I would never get along with my mom, dad or sister. She’s helped me learn how to control my anger, anxiety and depression.  She’s taught me how to care, love and appreciate others.  In the past I had thoughts of killing myself, but I now know how to control that.  Even though sometimes stuff gets hard I won’t let those thoughts come back.

NR (14 years old) - I'm Happier Now

I had been experiencing frustration, being overwhelmed, drained, and exhausted for way too many months. I had lost three very important people to me in a span of 6 weeks and just couldn’t take all the negativity around me at home and work anymore.  My emotions were all over the place.  I had a couple more after that to continue on with the release I needed.  After each session I could feel a refreshing calming/inner peace in my body.  I began to observe my thoughts and emotions over the next several days and those around me.  I had no desire to get into any negativity talk anymore, my voice was much quieter and calmer, those around me who wanted to get into negative and badgering “discussions” could no longer engage me where they could in the past. 


If you are struggling in life with negative emotions and find yourself being “down” much of the time even though you know you are a positive person I strongly encourage you to take a look at this.  The worst that can happen is you will find how to be happy again.  Isn’t that what life is all about.

Deanna - Sound Healing Treatment

The way Healing Hearts has changed me is that I’m more communicative and I care more about others.  For example if I saw a kid, girl or anyone sad I would now go up to them and ask if they are okay and if they are not I’d try my best to make them feel better.  I also watch who I hang out with now.  I also help the homeless when able, if I have a dollar or two I buy them a drink or something to eat.

LR (15 years old) - Student of "Your  Story Matters"

Las palabras son limitadas cuando se expresa GRATITUD porque nada puede graduar el gran beneficio recibido a través de la ayuda recibida en momentos de desamparo, desolación, tristeza, depresión, pues no solo es la necesidad física o material la que enfrenta la el ser humano en vulnerabilidad, sino una peor e intensa como es la necesidad espiritual, esa sensación de soledad y abandono, el levantar la mirada y solo ver palabras que van y vienen pero alejadas de toda acción!


Es ahí cuando realmente se valora a aquella mano amiga que sin conocerte, se acerca te mira a los ojos y en un grado casi divino de empatía abre sus brazos, pero se dirige a ti para estrecharte en un fuerte abrazo y decirte “Te entiendo, se lo que estás atravesando… y aquí estoy con todo mi ser para ti” y sientes vibrar su cuerpo y percibes ese calor de energía que fluye en ese abrazo y no obstante esa paz que te transmite aún va más allá accionando todos sus recursos físicos y materiales para prodigarte bienestar, sanación para tu alma y tus necesidades físicas y materiales, y seguir acompañándote durante el proceso, si! Así, como cuando te encuentras bajo cuidados médicos intensivos, te acompaña no solo en el momento más difícil, sino a través de un tiempo ilimitado hasta que sane tu corazón y puedas por ti mismo mover todo ese potencial que Dios te ha otorgado y tu eras capaz de ver, porque te encontrabas vulnerable… así exactamente mi querida Yolanda Medrano, mi querida Yoli fue mi encuentro contigo a través de otro gran amor de persona que me conecto contigo, cuando percibió mi desánimo, mi querida Silvina Fernelius, y a través de Uds seguir recibiendo aún más amor por parte de Julie Gluth…


Gracias por apoyar y soportar a mi familia entera, por motivar a mis hijas a ser fuertes y emprendedoras cuando yo perdí mis fuerzas, estando ellas en una edad difícil de enfrentar y uds Healing Hearts las acogieron y vigilaron ese momento en que se encontraban por emprender su vuelo como adolescentes, el amor y motivación a mi esposo y el haberme ayudado a recobrar la confianza y fe en mi propia fe, en mi fuerza y potencial, hoy por hoy voy poco a poco, aún con altibajos pero siendo capaz de sostener mi vuelo y empujar, guiar a quienes me necesitan.


Gracias Yoli a todos Uds, tu familia incluida, que me sostuvieron con amor, cubriendo incluso las necesidades básicas de alimentos y suministros para mi hogar y nuestras personas. Nos enseñaste también después a ayudar cómo pudiéramos, cómo sintiéramos, a personas que no conocíamos, a dar de comer a quienes atraviesan una necesidad sin importar el motivo por el cual se encontraban así, a dar sin preguntar, a dar sin recibir… simplemente darnos en voluntad a las necesidades de los demás, no siempre podemos estar ahí pero desde nuestra trinchera nos motivaste a compartir lo que tenemos con quienes como nosotros algún momento lo necesitamos. Yoli nunca podré olvidar ese primer abrazo que me diste y esa sensación de sentirme en terreno seguro, entre amigos, entre familia! Y después ir abrazando poco a poco el resto de mi familia, de mi nido.


Dios te bendiga siempre y bendiga a cada uno de los que conforman Healing Hearts! Dios bendiga a tu familia

Maria Barquero (Marilú)

Mediante Yolanda Medrano miembro de la fundación Sanando Corazones, encontré mi sanación física y espiritual, así como encontrar mis dones. 


En invierno del 2019, en un viaje a la ciudad de La vegas Nv. Conocí a Yolanda Medrano, mi primer terapia con ella fue en el momento preciso yo me encontraba en una crisis de salud, cuando inicie mi platica con ella pude sentir que podría ser mi guía para sanar todas esas heridas de mi infancia que estaban haciendo repercusión en mi vida emocional adulta y en ese momento física. Nuestra primera terapia fue algo complicado ya que mi madre se encontraba presente y mi herida más profunda era con ella, Yolanda me fue guiando para encontrarme a mí misma, perdonarme a mí y aceptar mi historia de vida. Esto ha sido una experiencia difícil, el enfrentarme a mí misma. Conocer y reconocer mis miedos, culpas, odios, rencores entre otros sentimientos que genera el tener un niño interior lastimando.


La existencia de esta fundación es una bendición, en lo personal hoy sigo trabajando con ellos de la mano en mi recuperación he logrado bastante como persona, por hoy acepto a mis padres y hermanos, acepto  y reconozco su historia, la cual influyo a que la mía no fuera del todo fácil, agradezco a dios principalmente por haberme guiado hacia estas personas que son mi refugio en mi caminar por esta experiencia que llamamos vida.


Hoy desde mi lugar de origen, Zacatecas, México, soy parte de esta fundación al aportar ayuda a personas con mis mismas necesidades emocionales y físicas, mediantes la fundación obtuve el pago a una certificación de Magnetoterapia en línea, así como clases en línea con Yolanda,  de técnicas de sanación y cuando me es posible viajar a las vegas es en presencial.  


Con ello comencé a dar terapias a domicilio sin cobro alguno, después en mí área de trabajo (Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas), visualice un campo de acción. Con las personas de la tercera edad que obtienen su jubilación, observando el alto número de personas con depresión y en varios casos esto provocando la muerte, por ese cambio de estar activos y pasar a ser inactivos, las empresas no nos preparan para ello, esto  hace un gran impacto emocional y a consecuencia de ello, vienen afecciones (enfermedades) en la salud física de las personas.


Al observar esto y haber despertado en mi necesidad de ayudar a otros fui guiada por Yolanda para prestar esa ayuda a otros, por lo que en inicio del año 2022. Hago un proyecto para presentarlo a mi dirigente sindical, la cual en un principio no fue muy bien aceptado. Pero me dio la oportunidad de ir a la casa del jubilado y platicar con ellos sobre las técnicas que practico para ayudarlos a entender la nueva etapa en la que se están desarrollando actualmente, el primer semestre del año fue de manera parcial, al inicio del segundo semestres me llaman y me dicen que mi proyecto de trabajo ha sido aprobado por los buenos resultados que tuvieron las personas.


Se me otorgo un espacio físico dentro del Edificio del La Casa del Jubilado de los Trabajadores Universitarios. Al paso de 3 meses se me autoriza abrir la atención al público en general, con ello he tenido la oportunidad de ayudar a más personas, mi mayor campo actualmente es en jóvenes y niños, que después de un cambio radical de vida que sufrió el mundo con la pandemia  COVID-19, estos se encuentran en un desinterés por vivir, refugiados en drogas o aislados en la tecnología.


Todos los días agradezco a dios por usarme como su instrumento para llegar a otros y dar la oportunidad que a mí se me dio, el de ver la vida desde otra perspectiva y saber que la historia de vida de cada uno de nosotros importa,  y puede ayudar a salvar vidas de aquellos que sienten que no hay más salida a sus problemas. Me enorgullece ser parte de este proyecto llamada Sanando Corazones, porque el mío ha sanado y sana todos los días al conocer historias de otros.

Cynthia Rentería

I, Elizabeth Talis, am a client with Healing Hearts.  I suffered with depression for seven years, beginning as a youth.  I was in a dark place.  I went to counseling with a psychologist for more than five years, I was assigned to a psychiatrist that medicated me.  I went for a cleaning of the spirit; I was re-baptized and still I could not exit this dark whole. 


I was introduced to Yolanda and she worked on me.  It took a few sessions to make headway.  But Healing Hearts helped me get rid of my demons.  I am no longer on medication, nor am I going to counseling.  I am closer to God and give thanks for all that he did for me through Yolanda. 


I now live separate from my family in another state.  I am strong and I work out to keep my core strong.  I attend church weekly to keep my soul strong.  I surround myself around a positive atmosphere and I am near and dear with my family.  Yolanda still works on me periodically, to assure my inner strength. 


I am grateful to have Healing Hearts apart of my life. 

Elizabeth Talis

I, Maria Talis, a client of Healing Hearts, have been treated for resentment issues.  I suffered with inner emotions dealing with rejections and employment discrimination.  I held the resentment for many years and suffered with letting go issues.  Yolanda treated me and I was set free.  I finally let go my dark anger scares and forgave everyone that deliberately afflicted me. 


I have been free from anger, regrets, and all rejections.  It has changed my life.  I was able to gain positive energy for myself and I had more to share with others.  I’m closer to God now and I am grateful for having Yolanda in my life. 

Maria Talis

Words are limited when expressing GRATITUDE because nothing can measure the great benefit received through help in moments of helplessness, desolation, sadness, and depression. It is not only the physical or material need that a vulnerable human being faces, but a worse and more intense one: the spiritual need, that feeling of loneliness and abandonment, lifting your eyes only to see words that come and go, but are far from any action!


It is in such moments that the value of a helping hand is truly appreciated, especially one that, without knowing you, approaches, looks you in the eye, and with an almost divine degree of empathy, opens its arms, embraces you tightly, and says, “I understand, I know what you are going through… and I am here with all my being for you.” You feel their body vibrate and perceive the warmth of energy that flows in that hug, and moreover, the peace it transmits goes further, utilizing all their physical and material resources to provide you with well-being, healing for your soul, and your physical and material needs, and continues to accompany you throughout the process. Yes! Just like when you are under intensive medical care, they accompany you not only in the most difficult moment but through an unlimited time until your heart heals, and you can, by yourself, mobilize all the potential that God has granted you, which you were unable to see because you were vulnerable. This, exactly, my dear Yolanda Medrano, my dear Yoli, was my encounter with you through another great loving person who connected me with you when she perceived my discouragement, my dear Silvina Fernelius, and through you, continued receiving even more love from Julie Gluth…


Thank you for supporting and upholding my entire family, for motivating my daughters to be strong and entrepreneurial when I lost my strength. They were at a difficult age to face, and you, Healing Hearts, welcomed and watched over them at the moment when they were about to embark on their journey as teenagers. Your love and motivation to my husband and the help you provided to regain confidence and faith in my own faith, in my strength, and potential, today I am going little by little, still with ups and downs but being able to sustain my flight and push, guide those who need me.


Thank you, Yoli, to all of you, including your family, who supported me with love, even covering the basic needs of food and supplies for my home and ourselves. You also taught us afterward to help however we could, as we felt, to people we didn’t know, to feed those in need regardless of the reason they were in that situation, to give without asking, to give without receiving… simply giving ourselves willingly to the needs of others. We can’t always be there, but from our trench, you motivated us to share what we have with those who, like us, needed it at some point.


Yoli, I will never forget that first hug you gave me and that feeling of being on safe ground, among friends, among family! And then gradually hugging the rest of my family, of my nest.


God bless you always and bless each one who makes up Healing Hearts! God bless your family.

Maria Barquero (Marilú)

Have you ever met a person, who is so in touch with God that they inspire you to find God yourself? Yolanda is my Godly-inspiring person. Before meeting Yolanda, I was in such a dark state of mind, feeling depressed and hopeless. During our first interaction, she sat down and told me things about myself, that I had never told anyone else before; things that were holding me back, which never occurred to my consciousness. This was just the first few minutes of my introduction to Yolanda.


We talked for a while; she listened to my stories and asked lots of questions. We talked about everything in life; relationships, school, family, friends, work, personal, etc. She talked with me about my past experiences and how they related to certain ailments I was having. For example, when I told her that my left knee was bothering me, she explained that the left side of the human body represents femineity, and how I am feeling pain in that area because I am moving forward in my womanhood.


Yolanda didn’t just physically heal me; she also emotionally healed me of trauma that was holding me back from being the best version of myself to serve God. My favorite part of this was that she never invalidated my feelings, she encouraged me to feel them and helped me cope through it. She taught me that forgiveness isn’t a choice in healing my own emotions, it is a necessity that must be handled delicately. This was a hard one for me to swallow as I was so stuck in my unforgiving ways, but sure enough she was able to talk sense into me. Which later led me to make amends with so many people in my life who have hurt me in unimaginable ways.


Yolanda has various unique gifts that valuably tailor together; connecting with people on a high level, holistically heals, sees people as who God created them to be, knowledgeable of how to utilize materials provided by God when healing His people, seeks to do good in all that she does, and in the end, she ALWAYS gives ALL glory to Him!


I truly believe that Yolanda is a personalized utensil from God Himself. Using her to draw others to Him and healing them for His purposes. After she helped me to find God, I was able to live life joyfully, no longer abusing depression medication, therapy, and self-harm thoughts. Having Yolanda in my life has been the greatest blessing, I pray that one day God uses me ways he has used Yolanda, I want others to be brought to Him also. I thank her for helping me to go from questioning my faith to wanting to be a personalized utensil of Gods.

Elisa Talis

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