
What we're working on right now

Lissi's Bench

Lissi's Bench is a safe place for those who need a safe place to be encouraged. It is attached to the curriculum of Your Story Matters, which creates connection through understanding.

Project Inspire

Project Inspire was created with the sole purpose to uplift, empower and heal the heart! We create beautiful inspirational messages on stones and leave them across the city for others to find and inspire.

Feedings at Jaycee Park

Every First Sunday of the month, Healing Hearts and those who volunteer go out to Jaycee Park to feed the homeless. To get involved, contact us and to donate for food, please click below.

Stargazing and Soundbaths

Every Third Saturday of the month, Healing Hearts has a sound bath with singing bowls under the stars led by our Founder. It provides a safe space to let go of your burdens and leave feeling renewed and more grounded.